
Child Abuse Research Paper

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Child Abuse
Child abuse is something that has been a problem in the United States. Child abuse is the mistreatment of a child. Child abuse can be in many forms. It can be either physical, sexual, or mental. Most cases of child abuse happens when there are blended families (Kotch, 182). Also children that suffer from child abuse are at a greater risk of behavior that can harm their health. This behavior can either being promiscuous or doing drugs. Abuse has many different ways in which it can be discovered. It can either be discovered by the child telling that they are being abused or by a teacher finding out. If the teacher finds out that a child is being abused they are forced by law to report the abuse (Child Abuse, 2016). When child abuse …show more content…

Children either develop chronic illnesses when they are born or as they are growing up. A chronic illness is a disease that can last a lifetime (Kotch, 172). There is really no cure for a chronic illness but only medication that can suppress the symptoms (Chronic Illness, 2018). Some examples of chronic illnesses are Attention Defect Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is characterized by a group of symptoms such as inattention or hyperactivity or either a combination of both (ADHD, 2017). Kids with this disorder have a hard time focusing on task that they are given. The risk of a child developing a chronic illness also depends on their race, ethnicity, or the environment that they live in (Kotch, 172). Oher examples of chronic illnesses are asthma and allergies. Asthma is a condition where the airways in the lungs can swell up. There is no cure for asthma only medicine that can control the symptoms. Allergies are also a chronic condition. Allergies can include food, medicine, animals and many other things. A worse case scenario can be anaphylactic shock. Anaphylactic shock is when a person is severally allergic to something and they into come contact with what they are allergic to. The things that trigger an allergic reaction are things that are in the environment. With medicine chronic illnesses can be

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