
Child Development

Decent Essays

An ideal learning environment in a child development center is one that stimulates a child’s cognitive, language, social, emotional, fine motor, gross motor, and sensory skills through developmentally appropriate practices. According to Essa (2016), developmentally appropriate practice is teaching a young child by matching practice with what you know about their development. Meaning an early childhood educators must plan their lesson plan activities, select their classroom materials, and base their classroom floorplan on meet the developmental needs of the children in the classroom. The floorplan is the area that will ensure a learning environment conducive to the success of the children because it is allows the children to maneuver throughout …show more content…

When you first enter into the classroom, traveling clockwise from the entrance, there will be a sink for handwashing as soon as you enter the Infant 1 classroom. Mounted little above the sink will be a paper towel holder. And mounted right above the paper towel holder is an eight cubbie wall locker. The cubbies are for extra diapers, wipes, changing clothes, and take home material for parents (child art work, flyers, pictures, and more). The two extra cubbies will use for art supplies storage. Beside the sink will be trash can for paper towel disposal. Moving on down along the same wall you will come to a changing table with a built in right sink. The changing table will face towards the wall with door and the end opposite of the sink against the adjacent wall leaving enough space behind it for the teacher to come behind and change diapers. This will ensure the children are being supervised at all time, even considering the infants being none mobile. Mounted on the wall behind the changing table will be a diaper supply wall cabinet for the infant diapers and wipes and a locking wall cabinet for medication and other supplies. In the …show more content…

There will also be some books in the bin form the teacher to read to the infants. Next to the book bin is a compartment storage that houses a basket of brightly colored rattles, a basket of musical instruments (bells, tambourines, and maracas,), a basket of puppets, and a basket of child safe mirror toys. On top on the compartment storage there will a CD player with a ben of age appropriate nursery rhyme CDs. Next to the radio there will be a variety on stuffed bears and dolls. In the corner of the same wall is a crib. Along the adjacent to the wall with window there is four more cribs. Above the four cribs will be two ceiling high half around windows. On the wall, adjacent to the wall with the four cribs, is an emergency crib. Next to the emergency crib there is a mobile teacher cabinet which houses the battle making materials, a sink, and a trash can. This separate cabinet, sink, and trash can is for bottle prepping only. On top of the cabinet there is a crockpot for warming the infant’s bottles. The extra space on the bottom shelf on the mobile teacher cabinet will be used for storage of extra toys, floor toys, and reading books. Between the

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