
Child Family Therapy Essay

Decent Essays


According to this study, the child-parent-relationship play therapy can be effective in improving depression and anxiety in children with cancer. The overall results showed that (i) play therapy with CPR approach causes reduction in depression in children with cancer and (ii) although reducing in anxiety is not statistically significant but clinically significant. The results of this study can be explained from different perspectives. According to the Piaget's theory (1959) children before 11 years have not abstract thinking and play therapy to be handled due to low verbal capacity in children. On the other hand, focuses on the relationship between child and parent in the filial therapy causes facilitate the interaction between …show more content…

Factor that enables them to put aside their needs and wishes and instead to fully understand the needs and wishes of their children. Similarly, this method helps children, to regulate their emotions. therefore It is possible improvements in emotional regulation parent and child, although at low levels, mediator factor in health outcomes is derived from this method (such as reducing behavioral problems in children, increasing acceptance of the parents). If we look in terms of cognitive theory of Lazarus and Folkman (1984) to the theoretical results l (49), we see that by helping the child to the benefit from the internal locus of control, increase self-direction, self-responsibility, and to gain the necessary skills to problem solving, in fact, have had an impact on how the child's cognitive appraisal of stressors that here is a cancer. Factor that causes children use better coping strategies, and experience less depression and

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