
Essay on Child Labor Around the World

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Child Labor Around the World

Child Labor in Mexico

Eight to eleven million children under the age of fifteen work in Mexico. There is a small number under fourteen. The children are employed in export oriented maquiladoras, or assembly factories between Mexico and the United States. Maquilas are affiliates of American owned companies that assemble goods for export, transportation equipment, electrical and electric products, toys , sporting goods, textiles and furniture. The work force is made up of mostly young females. The maquilas like to use children because it is really easy to get underage work and the owners do not have to pay the children that much.

Most of the girls start just between minimum age, …show more content…

Ninety one percent lived and slept in weaving sheds without things like light, ventilation or toilets.

During professional weaving, three to six children and adults sit shoulder to shoulder in a damp pit where the loom is located. Health related problems include over ninety percent of children complained of lower body swelling and pain in the joints. Constant skin problems form from the woolen fluff. There is extremely bad lighting and many children have developed bad eyesight because of it. At many places the children are beaten if they try to leave.

In a bonded labor system, parents are given a cash advance or "loan" by recruiters. The child is taken to work off the family debts. Debts never paid off, the child is a servant.

Gemstone Polishing

Gemstone polishing is the largest export to United States. Six thousand to one hundred thousand children work in the diamond industry, cutting and polishing. Suart, Gujart is a major diamond exportand also has the largest amount of child labor.

Mostly boys twelve to thirteen polish for seven to nine hours a day. The children are paid by the number of diamonds polished.

Jaipur, Rajasthan is a very large gemstone export and has seven thousand to thirteen thousand child workers.

There are two categories of child workers:

1. Children from six to ten years of age and come from families

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