
Child Labor In Afghanistan Essay

Decent Essays

All over the world the utilization of child labor robs young children from their desires and aspirations. Meet 12 year old Pakistani Aziz. Instead of living a normal childhood by attending school and playing with others, he is employed at a brick kiln. Each day Aziz works from the first light of day until midnight, while his boss harshly beats him with a cane. Aziz put in these long hours in order to help his impoverished family survive and pay off his dead father’s debts. For example, employers all across the world are hiring children between the ages of 5 and 16 and working them in the same situation as Aziz to work long hours in hazardous conditions. By doing this, employers are depriving children of a healthy childhood stocked with oodles …show more content…

According to the Human Rights Watch Organization, “Work induces many children to leave school prematurely. Only half of Afghanistan’s child laborers attend school,” (Ahmad Shuja). Since utilizing children in the work force, Afghan children leave school at a young age denying them the basic human right of education. Furthermore, Eric Edmonds, an economics professor at Dartmouth College and international child labor advisor, explained that, “If children are spending most of their time working, they'll never be able to attend school and get the education they need to find a better-paying job one day,” (Kyle Almond). Children are constantly passing this problem on to posterity because these minors grow up impecunious and uneducated. Overall the plight of child labor interferes with the virtue of education because they never acquire the opportunity to attend school. To continue, research shows that, “75 percent of brain development occurs after birth. Play helps with that development by stimulating the brain through the formation of connections between nerve cells,” (Eleni Marino). Children possessing the ability to play with others is a vital aspect of their development and since they are instead involved in labor it denies them the right to leisure. Plus, the atmosphere that children are exposed to at work can substitute their amusement

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