
Child Neglect Research Paper

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Children are being abandoned each and everyday, I was one of those children to be left by their parents. No mother, no father, no home, can you imagine a life without those things, I lived that life, a life of a drug addicted mother, a father I never knew and an unstable living environment. Our world we call Earth is not as great as it seems. I question, What are the reasons people have children only to abandon them later? We live in a world that is not perfect and is not all smiles and laughs. Child abandonment is the act of leaving or mistreatment of an adolescent. There are more baby boys, 55 percent to baby girls, 41 percent that are abandoned (sherr). Child abandonment is also considered child neglect and child abuse. There are many different reasons to why people …show more content…

An example of this is cultures with poor social welfare systems. A welfare system is a program that provides assistance of individuals and families in need. Bridget Freisthler states that because child neglect would be more likely to occur in families that have fewer resources than others to provide for their children (8). families that have less supplies to support their children are families who have financial problems because of poverty. therefore families who can not support their children neglect them. Freisthler claims “ Neglect allegations are frequently made when children are not provided with basic needs, such as food, shelter, or clothing” (8). Based on Freisthler claim and the definition of child abandonment, they are both similar in a way that in both cases that their parents can not support their children needs and leave the child with no food, no home, and nothing to help them survive. Poverty and financial issues are not the only reasons behind child abandonment around the world, Drug abuse also plays a part of child

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