
Child Soldiers Home Essay

Decent Essays

Picture this, you’re a nine year old boy fighting against men and other young boys your age. You are stationed in the philippines, where you were also abandoned by your parents, as they fled to a safer place. You are brainwashed, taught how to clean, and reload guns in the first few weeks you are there. How would this make you feel? Kids as young as eight, are dealing with this problem, they are getting drugged and used to fight for their country. Everywhere they look violence is near and cannot be escaped. Child soldiers are threatened, brainwashed, and bribed in order to fight and they are used to get money, meaning the young kids are being sold. These children are also illegally forced to become child soldiers. The things these kids go through are horrifying to even …show more content…

Some kids are even getting taken from their home and from where they play, like playgrounds and soccer fields. To the young ones, those places are their safe havens and where most of them spend their time. As these kids are taken, they have no say so in what’s going on. Often times, the kids either don’t fight back and train to become a solider or their family and their lives are on the line. Essentially meaning that the groups the kids are being stolen by threaten to kill you and your family. Others claim that these kids are volunteers and they have the choice to join. Others may also say that as they grow older, the begin to enjoy what they are doing but many forget that these kids are being bribed and drugged at a very young

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