
Child Soldiers Prosecuting

Decent Essays

How do you react to child soldiers are you disgusted when you hear that the government is prosecuting them for crimes they forced to do. The government is prosecuting them when they were forced into it. I think he government should arrest the people that forced them to commit those atrocities. They use illegal drugs and alcohol.

Most child soldiers are brainwashed by use drugs and alcohol. ”the drugs and alcohol make the children become more compliant enabling them to commit atrocities which they never would have before” said Child Soldiers: Victims or Perpetrators? Article. The children became over reliant on the commander for food, shelter, money, water, drugs,alcohol they find it extremely hard to leave. “The section of the brain known as the frontal lobes controls decision making and only fully develops well into your 20’s. Children simply lack the ability to think of the long term consequences of their actions” said Child Soldiers: Victims or Perpetrators Article. …show more content…

As I said in the first sentence, they are victims of the war they are fighting. The government that is prosecuting the children should be prosecuting the commanders. They using the children as soldiers and fall guys ( the people pay for the crime to other people made them

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