
Childhood Abuse And Adult Delinquency

Decent Essays

The findings from The National Institution of Justice have compiled very compelling data related to childhood abuse and adult criminality. Here are some statistics from their findings:
• 34 percent of female foster youth reported being arrested
• Researchers found that childhood maltreatment was a risk factor for officially recognized delinquency, violent self-reported delinquency and moderate self-reported delinquency.
• Being abused or neglected as a child increases the likelihood of arrest as a juvenile by 59 percent
• Substantiated cases of adolescent maltreatment (against children ages 12 to 17) increased the odds of arrest, general and violent offending, and illicit drug use in young adulthood.
• Women who reported being raped or physically assaulted before age 18 were more than twice as likely to report being raped or physically assaulted as an adult.
• 40 percent of women and nearly 54 percent of men surveyed said that an adult caretaker had physically assaulted them as a child.
Not all abused and neglected children will experience long-term consequences. Outcomes of individual cases vary widely and are affected by a combination of factors, including:
• The child’s age and developmental status when the abuse or neglect occurred
• The type of abuse (physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, etc.)
• Frequency, duration, and severity of abuse
• Relationship between the victim and his or her abuser (Chalk, Gibbons, & Scarupa, 2000).
Through several case studies and a

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