
Childhood And Adolescence : Toward A Field Of Inquiry

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Article 1 Spiritual Development in Childhood and Adolescence: Toward a Field of Inquiry Yongmin, S. (2008). Children 's well-being during parents ' marital disruption process: A pooled time-series analysis. Journal of Marriage and Family, 64(2), 472-488. Retrieved from Yongmin attempted to show with this article how marriage can “change” for a married couple when their children turns the age(s) 12-17, also known as the beginning of adolescence. His research focuses on two main time frames, before and after divorce. The evidence that comes from his work shows that children whose families stay together fair better later in life than a child whose parents have separated. The time frame for Yongmin’s research was placed between three years before and after the divorce to get their final results. The couples’ test scores showed a disrupted pattern and the values of social and psychological scores were in an awkward U-shape on the graph. Yongmin is trying to explain how that lack of a fully functioning family (broken household), in its stability, financially, and psychologically can take a major toll on the married couples relationship. When it comes to the children of couples in this phase, both genders are affected equally by this change. Yongmin does go into detail on how divorce affects children between the ages of 12-17 (the beginning of adolescence). Article 2 The Death of Adulthood in American Culture Scott, A. (2014). The Death of

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