
Childhood Autism Research Paper

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One the biggest psychological disorders in our society is childhood autism. Childhood autism is defined as “A pervasive developmental disorder defined by the presence of abnormal and/or impaired development that is manifest before the age of 3 years, and by the characteristic type of abnormal functioning in all three areas of social interaction, communication, and restricted, repetitive behaviour.” ( Furthermore, boys are three to four more times likely to develop childhood autism than girls ( Statistics also show that the prevalence of childhood autism in births is one in fifty-nine and has grown 119.4 percent from 2000 to 2010 (CDC). Now, researchers are looking into what causes childhood autism. They are …show more content…

There has been research in the genetic factors that cause autism. One of these research methods is “family-based and case-control evaluations of candidate genes. These studies have identified numerous candidate loci, most consistently on chromosomes 7q, 15q and 2q.” ( Muhle et al. 2004; and Santangelo and Tsatsanis, 2005, as cited in Landrigan, 2010, pg. 220). Another form of genetic research that has occurred in studying autism is “cytogenetic studies…cytogenetic studies have identified abnormalities on chromosome 15q.” (Muhle et al. 2004, as cited in Landrigan, 2010, pg. 220). While, these genetic research opportunities have found relevant data, only about 8 percent of all autism cases are genetic (Landrigan, 2010). Another cause that has been researched is how environmental factors cause autism. One study found “an increased incidence of autism is reported among children exposed prenatally to thalidomide.” (Rodier, 2002, as cited in Landrigan, 2010, pg. 221). Another chemical that has been found to have a connection with autism is misoprostol. In the U.S. it is used to treat gastric ulcers and, in an instance in Brazil, four out of seven infants that were exposed to misoprostol had autism (Bandim et al. 2003, as cited in Landrigan, 2010, pg. 221). These are only a few examples of research projects and data that has been collected regarding childhood …show more content…

In recent times, autism has gained attention because of the large scope of the problem. One of the most well-known facts about autism is it occurs in all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds (CDC). While researching about autism there were not many aspects that hindered my research. However, there was one source that had a negative connotation and had a small effect on the credibility of other sources. Volkmar, Chawarska, and Klin wrote a paper that stated: “information on autism in infants and very young children is limited.” Furthermore, the report also said “Delays in diagnosis were common and a diagnosis often was not made until age 4.) (Siegel et al. 1988, as cited in Volkmar et al. 2005, pg. 315-316). These statements produced uncertainty with my research, but the other sources outweighed those

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