
Childhood and Teenage Obesity Essay

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Who is at fault for childhood obesity? Is it the parents or is it the fault of health officials for providing lack of information? No matter who is at fault, childhood obesity is very real and needs to be addressed. It has reached epidemic proportions and has more than tripled in the past 30 years. Our children are at risk for a variety of health issues that are preventable. The estimated 9 million overweight children, including 4.5 million obese children, are at risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, asthma, and other pulmonary diseases, high cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, stroke, and other chronic illnesses (Weiting 545.) This growing epidemic of overweight and obese children as well as teenagers must be stopped. It …show more content…

Parents don’t encourage their child to go out and get some exercise. Why is this happening? It is simple; parents don’t instill self-control or motivation in their child. Maybe they don’t have it themselves. We all like a variety of different foods, but poor nutritional choices we make as parents affect our children and their weight gain as well as our own. Children struggling with weight problems frequently come from homes where one or both parents are overweight. Though it is very difficult at times, it is our responsibility to take care of our children and their health. A parent must teach their child self-control. Research has indicated that “pressuring” the child is particularly ineffective and can initiate overeating, especially in obese girls (Fisher & Birch, 1999a; Fisher & Birch, 1999b; and Johnson & Birch, 1994) and that children respond more favorably to positive reinforcement strategies which emphasize healthy eating that results in “feeling and looking good” (Bourcier, 2003, p. 269). Without positive reinforcement they are simply shortening their lifespan and setting themselves up for immediate and long-term adverse health issues. The lack of exercise and physical activities is another great cause for childhood obesity. The CDC conducted a recent study that showed less than 4% of elementary

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