
Childish Gambino Vs. Kanye West Analysis

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Childish Gambino vs. Kanye West Within these last few weeks, the public has heard Kanye West make some extremely controversial statements, from him praising Donald Trump, to him saying in an interview with TMZ that “400 years of slavery was a choice”. Contrasting Kanye's recent action with Childish Gambino who has recently released a new song and video that can be interpreted as his views on what America truly is. Both men are held in high esteem in both the public eye and to black people living in America. The popular opinion is that Childish Gambino is now taking Kanye’s place in the music industry and being the voice for black people, however Kanye’s place in the industry is secured and can never be taken; not because he is a “genius” or …show more content…

"We're really kind of grappling with what our entertainers at that level do with the spotlight they have on them; what kind of message are they projecting out into the world," Carmichael says. "I think with Glover, he wants to be putting out the concerns of black folk, of folks who are voiceless in this world. And I think he wants to present it in a way where it's as challenging to his audience as it is to those outside on a mass scale." Meaning that Gambino is essentially using his position and status to bring light to the situations facing everyday black Americans. For black people in America, things aren’t getting worse, they’ve always been this way, the vast majority of people are only realizing what’s happening because of all the evidence people are obtaining, and that’s exactly what Gambino wants to show the world. Gambino’s video as a whole is one giant barrage of symbolism. From the initial juxtaposition in the start where a black man in a chair plays guitar as Southern African-sung melodies play over everything. Each time anyone re-watches the video they notice something new. Gambino is only wearing pants which can be traced back to old Confederate …show more content…

As a writer for the Billboard, his opinions and sources have to have credibility. His main focus in this article was to show the internet’s reaction to Childish Gambino’s newest song and video, and how quickly everyone is dismissing Kanye West while simultaneously trying to make Childish Gambino the new Kanye. With online comments such as, “If Kanye was woke as he was a decade ago, THIS is the kind of stuff I’d imagine he’d be putting out today”, and “Get Kanye West out of here. Childish Gambino taking his spot”. The article even addresses the point of view of another source, “ On Pitchfork, Jayson Greene wrote last week about the destructive nature of the need to proclaim artists geniuses, and how that ends up with those artists walling themselves off from the kind of criticism they may need to hear. Eventually, they feel so secure in the advanced nature of their ideas, and that their validation will come in history, if not in their own time, that they stop considering their potentially harmful effects. Kanye West's recent undoing is undoubtedly tied to his unwavering self-belief -- "I don't agree 100 percent with anyone but myself," he recently broadcasted -- and given how many times he's navigated through rocky career waters (with incidents relating to Taylor Swift, Bill Cosby, Amber Rose and many others) while still being proclaimed a visionary at the end, it's not

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