
Children Tried As Adults

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I just do not understand why kids are tried as adults when they are not adults yet. "One of the driving factors in the creation of that court is that children are different than adults and they should be treated different than adults," (Jacobs). I feel that kids should not be tried as adults unless that crime was very severe. If the crime was committed on purpose then , they should also be tried as adults.
Sometimes people are wrongly convicted because of the color of their skin. According to Hersher, Blacks are the victims of wrongly accused cases. It says that it was at a record high last year with 166 people being wrongly convicted. It suggests that there is no standard for convicted people of crimes and that hurts blacks chances of being innocent. It says that a majority of the wrongly convicted people were African even though Africans only make up 13 percent of the population.
There are many cases that kids receive a penalty tot harsh. Kids should not have their whole life taken away because of one bad mistake. They have potential to accomplish many things in life, but the courts took that away from many kids. The courts should go less harsh on kids as they often are not aware of the mistake they did. …show more content…

The crimes can very well be prevented if the parents were more involved in the life of their kids. Most times the kids have single parents or parents that are not around much. The goal for parents is to lead their children in the right direction and guide them along the way. Kids who have poor parents are way more likely to commit crimes. The parents should be there for their kids and help teach them right from wrong. Often kids have little to no education at all and poor home environment that would increase the likelihood of a crime being committed. Courts should factor this in more when deciding on the punishment for

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