
Children 's Parents Should Be Prepared A Compelling Standard Of Living For Their Children

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Children can be easily influenced by their elders and can create habit forming eating patterns based on their guardians. If a child grows up around a healthy parenting style, that child will make good choices and hopefully follow their footsteps. “An obese adolescent must therefore learn to eat and enjoy healthy foods in moderate amounts and to exercise regularly to maintain a desired weight” (AACAP, n.d, para. 6). Children’s parents should be entitled to prepare a compelling standard of living for their children to help prevent the rising obesity problem in America today. Parents must make health concise decisions about their diet in front of their children if they want to set a good example of what they should and should not be eating. Providing unhealthy foods can lead to future complications and a poor eating pattern for their loved ones. “Compared with normal-weight adults, obese adults had at least 20% significantly higher rate of dying of all-cause. These rates advanced death by 3.7 years for all-cause mortality. The burden of obesity was greatest among adults aged 45 to 64 years” (Borrell, L. N., & Samuel, L, 2014, p.518). Being obese can cause many life threating health problems like diabetes and heart failure. To help prevent this growing problem something needs to be done to affect the nation on a sentimentally level to promote a better life style choice for all. Understandably, parents want the utmost best for their children, so if they know exactly what their

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