
Chilean Folk Music

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Chilean Folk Music
There are four main types of folk music in Chile they are: -Northern Chile, Musica Andina -Central Chile -Mapuche Music -Chiole Music

Each type or sub-genre of music has a quite distinct sound and can be related to the racial groups of these areas and to the history of Chile.

Racial History of Chile
The history of Chile is varied as it has influenced greatly the course of folk music in these four main areas. The history is marked by the following major events: * Incas invaded in the mid 15th century and conquered down to Rio Mapia but could not defeat the Indians further south. * The Spanish invaded in the mid 16th century and conquered the entire Inco empire in Peru, Ecuador and Northern Chile. …show more content…

Bombo – This is a large drum with the skin made from llamas and the body is made from metal. The sticks have a wooden tip.

La Caja – This is an Incan drum, it is about 35 – 50cm in diameter and 10 – 15cms high. The skin of the drum is usually made from a llama, goat or cow and is struck with wool tipped stick.

Wada – This instrument is made from a dried squash, with the vegetable seeds inside forming a maraca.

Trompe – This is made of metal and is held in the mouth. It is almost identical to a harp.

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