
Choice Blindness : Choice Blindness

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Observing Blindness:Choice Blindness
Rebecca Ostrander
Western Nevada College

Choice blindness in sociology has been defined by Petter Johannson as “the finding that participants both often fail to notice mismatches between their decisions and the outcome of their choice and, in addition, endorse the opposite of their chosen alternative” (Hall & Johannson,”Cognition”). Petter Johannson is currently a researcher at one of Europe’s largest and most prestigious colleges, Lund University in Sweden Here Johannson who received his Ph.D. in cognitive science at the University in 2005, runs the Choice Blindness Lab with Lars Hall who also has a Ph.D. in cognitive science from Lund University.(Johannson, "Choice Blindness Experiment Research Paper Questions", 2017) In the lab, the two men have been working to figure out just how common choice blindness is and the effects that it can have. In 2008 one of their choice blindness research experiments, titled, “ From Change Blindness to Choice Blindness” tested subjects on three different versions of a choice blindness experiment, each experiment used a different stimuli in order to test its subjects, and often changed the chosen stimuli in order to see if the subjects could first pick a picture when given two choices and asked which one was more appealing, and then explain why they choice the picture that the did, even when in some cases the picture the subject was asked to explain their

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