
Choices In The Whispering Town And Paper Clips

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Every choice that everybody makes effects what happens to us and deciding to be Jewish had a lot of consequences back in the 1940s. Millions of Jews died all because of the one decision that Hitler made. The killing of Jews ended up leading to the killing of 24 million other people. In the sources of The Book Thief, Eva’s Story, children's literature and in the film Paper Clips, several choices that key characters made affected how the Holocaust was dealt with. In children’s literature every character has to make a choice for them to decide every story. In the book The Whispering Town, a young girl named Anett made the choice to help out the Jews that she was helping out to hide in her basement. Every once in a while the Nazi police would come and check out to see if anyone in the neighborhood has smuggled in any Jews to hide. This is what the book said, “‘We’ve heard rumors that someone is hiding Jews on this street,’ said a soldier, pushing the door open. ‘I haven’t heard any rumors,’ I said, trying to stop my voice from shaking” (Elvgren 20). This is the leading up to when she helped out the Jews successfully escape the town by using all the help of the citizens. This is an example of how Children's literature shows …show more content…

One day a Nazi guard was checking basements for hidden jews, which at the time Liesel and Papa were hiding Max in their basement. Bravely Leisel did cut her leg,” She tried to concentrate on her bleeding leg” (Zusak 343). This is when Max is hiding in the basement and if there is no distraction than the guard will kill Papa, Max, and Liesel. Liesel cuts her leg open in order for the guard to focus on that and one consequence was an injured leg but a positive consequence was that she saved all of their lives. Within The Book Thief Liesel makes vital choices in order for her to survive just like the example

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