
Chris Mccandless Characteristics

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Chris McCandless' story is one that is surrounded by immense controversy and many differing opinions in regards to his motives and personality. Chris is often described as narcissistic and outlandish by many who critique him. However, these are not the qualities of someone who goes on a journey to search for a transcendent existence. Chris is actually a very admirable person that should be looked up to. Chris' courageous spirit, adventurous ideals, and intelligence are attributes that make him an admirable person.

A trait that is very admirable in Chris is his courageous spirit. In order to truly appreciate Chris McCandless and his courageous personality, it is important to note that he was brave even in his youth. Chris's father, Walt, took him on a backpacking trip every year. One year Walt took Chris to climb Longs Peak in Colorado. When they reached an elevation of 13,000 feet, Walt felt that it was time to go back, but "Chris wanted to keep going… (108)" Walt recalled, "He was only twelve then…If he'd been fourteen or fifteen, he would have simply gone on

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without me (Krakauer 109)." This great ambition displayed by Chris to persevere shows how different his perspective was from most children his age. He saw the more difficult aspects of life as an interesting …show more content…

A traveler he met on the road him as someone who read a lot. “He used a lot of big words. I think maybe part of what got him into trouble was that he did too much thinking.” (page number?) Chris was always analyzing, learning, and discovering new things throughout his life. His final trip to Alaska was the biggest learning experience of all. Chris was able to get fairly far along his journey without money or a solid plan. This shows his naturally quick nature. His intelligence got him through most of his travels, but one mistake unfortunately ended his intriguing life. Chris is very perceptive and quick-witted which are two very admirable

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