
Christian Doctrines Of A Christian Life

Decent Essays

In order to live a Christian life and walk in the way that is pleasing to the Lord, we have to understand what the Bible is saying about fundamental Christian doctrines. There are plenty of denominations that take what the Lord is saying and interpret it in a way that fits their understanding. In this paper I will be talking about three controversial Christian doctrines which are baptizing babies, losing your salvation, and speaking in tongues in order to get to heaven. One Christian doctrine I do not agree with is baptizing babies. To me baptism is a sign to the world that you have been changed by Christ; you have accepted him into your life and he has forgave you of your sins. When you enter the water that represents you dying to your old ways, once you come up out of the water it is symbolizing the new life you are ready to endure. Being a baby, we really do not have an understanding of what is going on, there is no dying to an old life, simply because the baby hasn’t had a chance to live yet. I believe that just because you are baptized it does not mean you are going to heaven as some denominations believe. Baptism is something you do when you are truly ready and have an understanding on why Jesus came down to earth and what Jesus has done for us, without that understanding there is no reason to be baptized. When we are babies that is the purest that we are going to be. The older we get the more we sin and the more we are in need of a savior, as babies we cannot

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