
Christian Values In The Epic Of Beowulf

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Written by a christian poet, the epic of Beowulf clearly outlines that failure to avenge an assault is considered shameful. However, Christian values say to just “turn the other cheek”. It is interesting how this epic poem can have both values at once, because of their clearly cut out contradictions. Throughout the epic of Beowulf, Christian philosophy is represented in many ways, like how God protects them from being killed, how God provides them with everything they need in life. However, there is also a strong, contradicting sense of pageanism and heroic code displayed by Beowulf which is mostly conflicting with christianity. In the epic Beowulf, Beowulf is portrayed as an internally conflicted character who- while avenging Escher’s death, appealing to God for victory and reveling in his own glory, vacillates between adhering to Christian and pagan values. …show more content…

However, later credits all of his glory to God. The christian bible states, “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.” (NLT, Matthew 6:14-15). Nonetheless, Beowulf doesn’t forgive Grendel’s mom, follows the heroic code and takes revenge, and kills her for killing Aescher. He states “It is better for us all to avenge our friends” Through this act, Beowulf shows his orientation towards the Heroic code, that sets “Failure to avenge an assault is considered shameful”. However, Beowulf still credits his victory to God, stating “God gives us guidance to those who can find it by no one else” This shows his internal conflict, how he can’t decide between pageanism and christianity. On one side, he does pagean acts that contradict with christian values, but on the other side, he still believes his victory is all because of God, who is clearly opposing of all pagean

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