
Christianism And Paganism In Beowulf

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Christianity vs. Paganism Beowulf is an epic poem combining different stories consisting of contrasting elements, such as paganism and Christianity. Within these stories of Beowulf and the followers of Beowulf, as well as the enemies, paganism actually played the role of the largest religion practiced versus that of Christianity. The stories that make up this epic go by their own titles like, The Wrath of Grendel, The Coming of Beowulf, The Battle with Grendel, The Monster’s Lair, The Battle with Grendel’s Mother, The Last Battle, The Spoils, and The Farewell; all of these stories consist of the comparing and contrasting of paganism and Christianity. Within each of these stories, Christians take on the emotions and behaviors of paganism. …show more content…

The Coming of Beowulf came along in another story line of this epic; Beowulf and the geats, in other words Vikings, and Christian followers go against the vicious beast, Grendel. “Grendel represents something evil” (Vengeance). Grendel, aside from Grendel’s mother, represents some of the most bloodthirsty pagan components within Grendel’s own unjust existence. The geats, on the other hand, did have pagan elements within their hearts and personalities such as, greed and boastful elements as well as hatred towards the darkness at which Grendel contained. In empathizing with their hatred for Grendel, it still shows their dark side which seems hypocritical on their parts considering the largest pagan element out of all of these epics contains the darkest emotion, hate. Christians, even in these days, try to steer clear of hatred towards one another, but in this particular epic hate consumed even the Christians. The Bible says to pray for the enemies because the enemies happen to need it the most but the geats did not follow this rule of the Christian religion; rather allowed consumption of the elements that make up paganism. The Battle with Grendel, once again this vicious and dark beast had set out on a journey back to Herot, yet this time Grendel meets the unexpected; yet a match. “Grendel is referred to as a descendant of Cain: “the hostile-hearted creature, Gods enemy, guilty of murder”” (Little). Grendel’s evil soul has taken a

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