
Christianity And Politics : God Versus The City Of Man

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Christianity and Politics have always been a great concern for many decades. In Political Writings by Augustine, he addresses that the rule of law can be seen in accord with the rule of God which emphasizes the great debate of the City of God versus the City of Man. Augustine believes that Christianity is needed for a healthy life because obtaining peace is difficult. In establishing a happy life, hope is necessary which can be achieved through God.
Augustine asserts that there are insufficiencies in living a pagan way of life to achieve happiness. There are three pagan ways of a life are leisure, busy, and a combination of both. Leisure is a life that is “devoted to contemplating or seeking the truth” while the busy life is “devoted to conducting human affairs (Augustine 142).” By partaking in a leisure way of life, one may find his final good. Whereas, the final good is the good which is “for the sake of which other things are desired” while the final evil is that “which other things are avoided (141).” When one reaches the final good it should make him happy, but no matter what life one chooses it may not lead him to obtain this ultimate happiness.
A man has free will in choosing what life to partake in, but must keep in mind that with free will comes the responsibility to choose between right and wrong courses of actions. While choosing the wrong course of action could lead one into evil and suffering; Augustine asserts that the true human good is eternal life. He

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