
Christianity And The Early Stages

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered how Christianity was spread in the early stages? and what influenced it? Rome held a huge part in both of these things. The Roman emperors, culture, and the Roman religion all were things that influenced early Christianity very much. The time period in which Jesus was on earth was probably the best time he could have come. It was a time of Hellenization, right after Rome had taken over Greece. Most of the world was in the Greek empire before it was taken over by Rome, so everything was Greek, and Rome adopted most of the Greek culture for their own once they took it over. Everyone spoke the same language in that area, making it easy for Jesus to communicate and share his word with everyone. Also, you have …show more content…

The Romans also distrusted the Christians because many passages say things along the lines of “eating Christ’s flesh”, and they accused Christians of cannibalism. The first-century Roman emperors were Octavian, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian. Octavian was emperor from thirty-one B.C to fourteen A.D. His influence is that he built the Roman roads, and he was the emperor when Jesus was born. Octavian was also responsible for the “Pax Romana”. Tiberius was emperor from fourteen to thirty-seven A.D. Tiberius appointed Pontius Pilate over Judea and he was emperor when Jesus was crucified. Caligula was emperor from thirty-seven to forty-one A.D. He did not have much influence on Christianity. Claudius ruled from forty-one to fifty-four A.D. He made the Jews leave Rome in A.D forty-nine. Claudius was emperor during the ministry of Paul. From fifty-four A.D until sixty-four A.D Nero ruled. Many say he was the cruelest Roman emperor. He persecuted Christians the most of any emperor. Vespasian ruled from sixty-nine until seventy-nine A.D. He destroyed Jerusalem in seventy A.D. Next was Titus, who ruled from seventy-nine until eighty-one A.D. He finished the war against Jerusalem that his father, Vespasian had started. The last first-century Roman emperor was Domitian. Domitian ruled from eighty-one A.D until ninety-six A.D. He persecuted Christians

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