
Christians Battle Against Poverty Essay examples

Decent Essays

Let’s look at some cold hard facts in the world surrounding us. Many of us live in comfortable lives—plenty of food, a car for every member of the household, a roof over our heads, parents with steady jobs, etc. Thus, America’s comfortable bubble is formed. That is a fact, right? Well since we all know about America, we should take a step outside of that cozy bubble around us and look at the rest of the world. We will soon see the reality of the world surrounding us. So many of us know the typical stereotypes such as starving children in Africa, or the overworked children of China, or even the uneducated people of South America. However, how many of us have been face to face with the reality of the everyday lifestyle that these people …show more content…

This was proof to Swanson that God was in on it. That same year, Everett and his family launched a new overseas ministry after being provided satisfactory medical and financial resources. The new ministry became a corporation that was later named Compassion. Compassion grew and by the mid 1970’s had expanded to 17 other developing countries and 180,000 sponsor children. Now over 1 million children in 26 developing countries are sponsored through Compassion.
How It Works Reverend Everett Swanson did more than respond individually to the morbid reality of worldwide poverty, he also created a way for us to respond easily by sponsoring a child. it would not be realistic to say that every one of us must travel to Kenya to provide a meal for a starving child, or to drive to Mexico to teach an illiterate teenager how to read and write. Nevertheless, we can show compassion to those affected by poverty through sponsoring a child.
Compassion is an international Christian ministry that is dedicated to the development of children living in extreme poverty in 26 developing countries. By collaborating with local Christian churches in communities worldwide, they are able to care for the spiritual, economic, social, physical, and emotional development of children. Compassion’s mission statement is “In response to the Great Commission, Compassion International exists as an advocate for children,

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