Phillip Wilson states his mother called him citing Tammy Sayre, Christina Smith’s mother called her and asked her to go over to Christina Smith’s home and check on her. Phillip Wilson states once his mother arrived at Christina’s home, that Christina was unresponsive and that she needed, him, Phillip Wilson, to come over and kick in the door of the home. Phillip states he did not go over because EMT was present and they had found an open window and made entry into the home. Phillip states that night his mother cared for his daughter, Kylie and his mother called James Smith to come and get his two minor children, Lani and Joshua. Phillip Smith states the day that Christina got released from Spartanburg Regional Medical Center James Smith gave Joshua and Lani Smith back to her. Phillip states she kept Kylie Wilson and did not return her to Christina. Phillip Wilson states the day of the physical altercation between he and Christina Smith, Ms. Smith showed up at his home and did not come outside to speak with her until his mother, Cherri Wilson arrived at his home. Phillip states there was some exchange of words between he and Christina and she punched him. Phillip states he pushed Christina in an attempt to get away from her, and ran into the house. Phillip states he daughter, Kylie ran outside to Christina. Phillip states Christina took Kylie to her car with her mother, Tammy Sayre Christina Smith admitted she was released from Spartanburg Regional Medical Center after she
“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” Jim Rohns quote highlights the basis of Debra Oswald’s play Gary’s house, and also Miroshav Holubs poem The Door. This essay will explore the notion that change causes people to shift their thinking and actions after significant catalysts. Gary’s House illustrates many of the issues and predicaments confronted by the characters and how their alteration in behaviour can have a beneficial outcome for them or others around them. The concept of "The Door" is based on the idea of taking risks and embracing change. The poet uses persuasive techniques to encourage and provoke the audience to take action.
Clayton stated the argument was over his parents taking away his vehicle on 06/03/2017. Clayton stated he backed a bag and was trying to leave the home. Clayton stated Timothy was yelling at him and trying to fight him. CLayton stated he left the home on foot and Timothy was driving the truck driving to find him. Clatyon stated Holly grabbed his bag and was trying to stop him from leaving. I made contact with Clayton and he stated he did not want to live with his parents. Clayton stated Timothy was trying to run him over in the truck.
CPS received CPS referral #0677-3482-7506-1042519 regarding minor Natalie Thompson (DOB: 10/22/01). On 4/7/17, minor threatened to kill herself by jumping in front of a train because she was upset over what happened in her new placement at the group home. Minor stated that she no longer wanted to live and did not want to return to group home. Minor stated that she expressed to staff that she wanted to be left alone, but staff disregarded her request and held her. Two female staff held her back so she proceeded to strike them. During the restrain, staff grabbed minor by her arms, legs and shirt. One of the staff members (unknown) pulled her hair and held her tight so during the restraint causing the minor to sustain multiple bruises on her body.
Reporting Party Ja'Tiara Fuller (CSW) contacted CPHL to report that on 10/27/16, Foster mother (FM) Shania disclosed to her that on10/26/16, while Shania was on a day pass, she came to Los Angeles and was texting William Moore-Williams and that he wanted her to come where he was. Reporting Party expressed that Shania went to where William was and that he raped Shania on 10/26/16. Details regarding what happened and where the incident occurred is unknown by Reporting Party. Reporting Party expressed that FM was taking Shania to the hospital on 10/27/16 and FM contacted Reporting Party today regarding the incident. Reporting Party expressed that per foster mother, Shania was supposed to be home from her pass at 2 PM but was late and did not
Intake Worker, FPS White received a phone call from the reporter on 11/14/17. The reporter stated that mom went to jail and got out yesterday. The reporter stated that they are not really concern as to mom going to jail due to it was driving with invalid license. The reporter stated that Jessica Fields' oldest son, Raymond Fields called and told the reporter that the reporter needed to come get the children. The reporter stated that Raymond stated that Jessica was on drugs, pills and meth. Jessica drinks all the time. Jessica got beaten up by the boyfriend, Michael Hays in front of the children. The children are being left unattended and with strangers. Jessica didn't have any power or food and told Raymond to come get the kids. The reporter
R/s Samuel (10) and Bradley (8) haven’t been in school for seven days. R/s Brandi (mom) and the children were staying with Jeanne (a friend). R/s Brandy left the children with Jeanne for two days. R/s on last Saturday, Jeanne dropped the children off to their grandmother’s house. R/s Brandy returned with a man to Jeanne’s house. R/s the family moved to Clover, SC from Myrtle Beach, SC.
Reporter stated she went to the family home today. She spoke with Jonnie and asked if anyone every touched her. Jonnie said that two of mom (Andria) boyfriends have touched her. Trimel and Jermaine. Trimel touched her vagina twice. He did it while mom was sleep. Mom called the police on him each time. Jermaine touch her vagina once. It is unknown if mom know about the incident. Jonnie said that Jermaine was killed by his brother for touching another child. Jonnie did not disclosed if she was penetrated. It is unknown if there were any past allegations made against Trimel and Jermaine. Jonnie is showing signs and behaviors to sexual abuse. Her foster parent/aunt Erica checked her iPad while monitor it and noticed she was watching
PER REPORTER: Charlie said today five year old Makiyah was brought into the emergency room in Chicago, IL by her mother. He said the child was brought in due to the child disclosing to her mother that while she was in Mississippi in the care of her grandmother (Felicia) she was abusing her. Charlie said he was told that Makiyah has been in Chicago, IL with her mother for a week now due to the child’s aunt dropping her off with her mother. Charlie said to his understanding the child was randomly dropped off with her mother by her aunt due to Felicia no longer being able to care for the child. Charlie said the child’s mother told him that Makiyah was staying with Felicia in Mississippi until she got everything together for the child to be able to come and live with her. However, he said according to the child’s mother the child will be staying with her and will not be going back to stay with her grandmother.
The reporter stated the child did not have any visible marks or bruises and did not have to receive any emergency medical care. The reporter stated the floors are falling through and they have to use a board in some parts of the home to walk. Mrs. Jones stated charges have been filed against an unknown male that touched the child’s leg. The reporter also stated she was informed that two days ago, Cecilia was with her mother in Carrolton, MS while she drove around looking for pills. The reporter stated DHS or law enforcement was not contacted at that time with this information. Per the reporter, the child was taken from the home and left with Jessica Dixon, a family friend. The reporter stated the child was left with Jessica because she and Mr. Jones are truck drivers and had to leave for work. Mrs. Jones stated they leave for work on Thursday and return on
Through my understanding of the book, Homeward Bound by Elaine Tyler May explores two traditional depictions of the 1950s, namely suburban domesticity and anticommunism. She intertwines both historical events into a captivating argument. Throughout the book, May aims to discover why “Post-war Americans accepted parenting as well as marriage with so much zeal” unlike their own parents and children. Her findings are that the “cold war ideology and domestic revival” were somewhat linked together. She saw “domestic containment” as an outgrowth of frights and desires that bloomed after the war. However, psychotherapeutic services were as much a boom then as now, and helped offer “private and personal solutions to social problems.” May reflects her views on the origin of domestic containment, and how it affected the lives of people who tried to live by it.
My states that her mother sent the video to her. Gmail. The worker spoke about the intake only email this worker received from the hotline. Mom states airport birthday is on the 14th and like to see the children on her birthday. Meyer states it she believes Terrance is nonfunctioning and he's on Molly. Am I has reports that she's looking into getting from Berkeley she has one in Bellfountain for domestic violence against Terrance Crenshaw. If the children are sit home with Terrance it'll be a mess. Terrance isn't even care for his seven teen-year-old son with my reports. When I Estates at her phone has been off for a few days. When Meyer is looking to get her GED with Penn Foster online for cosmetology. And fashion. But my sister she has cut ties with Michael Curry but still is pregnant with her child so she would have to have some type of communication with Michael Curry. When I states and her health insurance has been cut off since March and she was unaware. When my has not seen any medical for her pregnancy. Worker spoke about counseling one on one with Rita. Worker informed let my
In the novel, The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, the theme of growing up is prevalent throughout the book. Throughout the novel, a young mexican girl named Esperanza goes through experiences as she matures that involve her friends, society, dangers that expose her to the outside world and help her to realize what the real world is like.
Most curriculums being taught to students withhold a mass amount of history. Some may do this because they feel some events do not have the same importance as other topics being taught. Such topics for example would be the rape and sexual exploitation of thousands of African American females during the time periods where racism and segregation was the norm. It is important for people to be educated about the horrific events that these women went through without justice. It is also essential because it shows the amazing activism Rosa Parks took part in. Most people are often just taught about Parks’ actions on the bus. At the Dark End of the Street by Danielle L. McGuire shows how Rosa Parks and many other dedicated their lives to receive equality not only for themselves, but for all African Americans in the south. Danielle L. McGuire’s work is an amazing way for people to not only learn more of Rosa Parks story, but to get a better understanding of what all African American woman had to deal with during this time period. The realism of sexual violence and its dominant impact on the African American women was one of the many events that helped ignite the Civil Rights Movement. McGuire wrote At the Dark End of the Street in order to resolve the negligence of this reality.
Trinity is in a relationship with Parker, and they are not suppose to have any contact with each other. They have been dating for one year, off and on. The reason they have been off and on is because Parker has been to jail. Trinity is involved with Hancock County Youth Court, and Parker has been involved with the youth court as well. The reporter knows Parker well. Parker and Trinity ran off together to Gulfport, MS in June of 2017. After being gone for 7 days, Trinity called Brenda, maternal grandmother, because they she and Parker were hungry. There was a warrant issued for their pick up, and Parker went to jail. Reporter stated Parker had mentioned having contact with an underage girl, but the reporter didn’t know he was talking about Trinity.
Literature is defined as written works published on a particular subject. Literature can also be viewed as witness, because it can be a source of proof based on the events it was written on. Literature as witness allows readers to get a deeper understanding of the issues that have happened based off of what the books are about. Those who read literary texts such as historical novels, memoirs and novels are witness to historical events. These texts can be viewed as witness because the events mentioned are based off of true life events. Some may argue historical fiction is not real and therefore could not be viewed as a reliable source. Even though historical fiction is made up of fictional characters, the conflicts that are mentioned are based