
Christmas Break Research Paper

Decent Essays

It's the last week of the first semester of school, and every day seems to get longer. Christmas break is only a few days away, and going to school becomes impossible. Every teacher crams hundreds of tests and quizzes into the final days before break.

Monday is the worst day of the week. Sunday just ended, and it is time to go back to school. The bad test grade that was forgotten about over the weekend is now laying turned over on top of the desk. A small tear lands on the paper as the teacher checks over the correct answers. It seems like nothing will erase the horrific sight of the grade that stained the paper. Monday’s throw off the rhythm from the past week, and trying to get back into a routine can be rather difficult. The lack of sleep …show more content…

The last few days of the quarter. It is the one week when the test calendar is full every day. At least two tests and two quizzes make it up. How could anyone survive an AP English test, an APUSH test, and an honors Spanish quiz? Study. Study. Study. Don't wait until the class before to decide it's a perfect time to start looking over the material. I guess I have not learned my lesson. I wait till the last minute every time, but that is besides the point. Do not change number twenty seven from B to C, then from C to A. Never second guess the first answer.

The main distraction students face is Christmas break. During this time, students lose focus on their grades, and they daydream about the break during class. People quit studying during the most exhausting week of the school year. Make Christmas break a motivation to do well instead of a distraction. Have the break push towards exam exemption to get an extra three days off. After all of the tests and quizzes are over, there will be time to relax, so don't give up beforehand.

With the countless tests and quizzes on the worst Monday of the week, and with Christmas break on the mind, death week can be survived with self-confidence, focus, and

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