
Christopher Columbus Failure

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Christopher Columbus, born October 31, 1451 was an Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer born in the Republic of Genoa. He is commonly described as the “Discoverer of America” but evidence proves Native Americans and Vikings had both been in America before him. However, it was Columbus’ voyage that started the exploration and colinization of America. First Voyage Columbus spent years trying to convince people to pay for his voyage. Finally he convinced Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain to pay for the trip. He set sail on August 12, 1492 with three ships named the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. The voyage was long and difficult. At one point his men threatened him and wanted to turn back. Columbus promised them he would …show more content…

It was a small island in the Bahamas that Columbus named San Salvador. He met people there that he called Indians because he was convinced that he had landed on islands off the coast of East Asia. He also visited other islands in the Caribbean such as Cuba and Hispaniola. The Indians on San Salvador greeted Columbus and his crew with kindness and offered to trade with them. Columbus took advantage of their niceness, he captured many Indians and sold them for slaves back in Spain. After returning back to Spain in 1493 Columbus gave exagerated reports of what he saw in San Salvidor, and the royal courts believed him. That same year the royal court funded another voyage to the “New World.” On Columbus’ second expedetion he explored more islands in the Carribbean Ocean. When Columbus arrived in Hispanioala, he established a forced labor policiy upon the Native Americans to explore for gold. He did this because he promised the King and Queen that he would come back with gold and slaves. If the Native Americans didnt find any gold their hands were cut off and they bled to death. Asking the Native Americans to do this was very unrealistic, because there was only tiny bits of gold dust in the rivers. Since Columbus didnt want to return to Spain nothing, he filled his ship up with 2,000 slaves. 200 of the slaves died on the way back, and the ones that didnt die were sold in

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