
Christopher Columbus Thesis

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1400 –1600 The geographic of the world begin to change.
Christianity is now on the move world wide. Christopher Columbus:
Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy, in 1451. Little is recorded of his early life, but what is known he worked as a seaman and later a maritime entrepreneur. He became deeply interested in the possibility of pioneering a western sea route to Cathay, India,

Christopher was a very devout Catholic. His very name Christopher, which means Christ-bearer, gives him the desire to spread the message of Christianity. He understood as his title, his destiny to carry the message of the gospel to far-off lands.

Columbus had a belief that God intended him to sail the Atlantic Ocean in order …show more content…

West, the historian writes, “Throughout his journals and letters, we find him constantly in prayer, invoking the names of Christ, Mary, and the saints and solemnly giving praise to God. ”

April 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella promised Columbus that if he succeeded in finding the new world he would be given the rank of Admiral of the Ocean Sea and appointed Viceroy and Governor of all the new lands he could claim for Spain. Columbus an Italian was now commissioned by the King & Queen, from Alcazar castle in Segovia Spain, to look for the new world.

On a hill overlooking the bay Columbus gathered his crew at St. George cathedral in Palos, Spain. Here Columbus, and some ninety pilots, seamen, and crown appointed officials met for prayer.
On August 3, 1492, Columbus set sail, with three small ships, the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Nina.
Contrary to legend, Columbus did not sail to prove the earth was round. Most educated Europeans and mariners already knew …show more content…

What Ponce is really looking for, is an islands that will become part of what he hopes will be a profitable new governorship.
Ponce de León set sail in March 1513 with three ships. According to early historians, on April 7, he anchored off the eastern coast of Florida near present-day St. Augustine, and came ashore a day later, choosing the name “La Florida” in part because it was the Easter season (Pascua Florida in Spanish).
Juan Ponce de León and his crew became the first recorded Europeans to set eyes on Florida. Legend holds that they made this discovery while searching for the Fountain of Youth, To this day, tens of thousands of visitors come every year to sample the sulfur-smelling well water. I visited that spring in the winter of 1948. If it is to keep you young, it didn't work for me. It doesn’t taste good either.”
In 1521 Ponce de León organized a colonizing expedition on two ships. It consisted of some 200 men, including priests, farmers and artisans, 50 horses and other domestic animals, and farming implements were part of his

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