
Essay about Chronic Sorrow

Satisfactory Essays

Living with Chronic Sorrow

The middle range theory of chronic sorrow theory was researched in the 1980’s validating

parent’s feelings over the loss of not having the perfect child and having a child with a disability.

Chronic sorrow provided a framework for understanding the reactions of individuals to various

loss situations and offered a way to view the experience of bereavement. Involvement in an

experience of a significant loss is the necessary antecedent to the development of chronic sorrow

(Peterson & Bredow, 2009). The loss may affect individuals and family members at any time.

Chronic sorrow may come to any of us during our lifetime. Chronic sorrow can best be

described as a natural response to …show more content…

Lost your job, your home, a loved one, or a beloved pet? There are many forms of loss, and

all are felt individually on a very personal level (Foust, 2006). A loss is losing or being

deprived of something you once had. Any loss can have a profound effect on your life. Loss

can happen at any time day or night and does not need a reason. A consequence of a loss can

stop you from socializing, cause you to have lack of interests, and take you emotionally away

from those who love you. A loss can impact your job, your home, your finances, and your

relationships. This is a real emotion that people around the world experience daily. Coping with

loss and grief can be challenging in many ways (Teel. 1991).

A loss may be felt physically and emotionally, like something is missing. A feeling of worry

and emptiness may be felt deep inside. Two types of losses most relevant to depressive

symptoms are related to self, goal attainment, and loss of financial resources (Van Horn &

Mischel, 2008). One may begin to suffer physical symptoms such as headaches, gastrointestinal

upset, anxiety, sleeplessness, or anorexia. Emotionally you may feel tired, lack the ability to care

about what is going on around you, sleep too much or too little, over eat or under eat,

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