
Chronic Stress Essay

Decent Essays

The human body is designed to experience stress. The ‘fight or flight response’ otherwise thought of as an ‘acute stress’ response are inbuilt mechanisms that allow us to deal with threats to our survival. The aim of this response is to keep us alert and avoid potential danger.
However, it is the chronic, sustained stressors that we aren’t well adapted to cope with. Chronic stress impacts on the HPA axis causing major over stimulation of the pathway and hence an increase in the cortisol levels, as well as an increase in inflammation with detrimental impact.
Chronic stress also induces inflammation via up-regulation of NF-κB which leads to increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines like interleukins and TNF-a. These molecules themselves …show more content…

The ultimate value of biomarkers is to provide a means to prevent stress-related disorders from developing in the first place. [5]

Chronic stress can affect brain size, its structure and how it functions. Stress begins with the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, a series of interactions between endocrine glands in the brain and on the adrenal glands which controls your body’s reaction to stress. When your brain detects a stressful situation, your HPA axis is instantly activated and releases cortisol, ‘the primary stress hormone’ which primes your body for instant action.
High levels of cortisol over long periods of time can have detrimental consequences. For example, chronic stress increases the activity level and number of neural connections in the amygdala, the brain’s fear center. As the levels of cortisol rise electric signals in the hippocampus, the part of the brain associated with learning, memories and stress control deteriorate. The hippocampus also inhibits the activity of the HPA axis, so when it weakens so does the ability to control

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