
Cindy Staring at the Keswick Theater Essay

Decent Essays

The Keswick Theater was graced to host the Cindy Lauper, “She Is So Unusual 30th Anniversary Tour,” this Friday Nov. 15th.. Indeed it was a night where “Fans Just Want to have Fun,” was the operative and we certainly did!

The Keswick is located in downtown Glenside. The seating is comfortable and the acoustics the very best. There are a number of decent restaurants and a great coffee shop. Come a little early and hang out in the coffee shop and many times you can catch the band getting some hot brew. I'd recommend you arrive about 45 minutes prior to the show so parking is not a challenge. The Theater was designed by the famous architect Horace Trumbauer and some of it's original grandeur has been preserved. It is dead center …show more content…

All shows have some folks who; can't be quite, can't stop using the flash on their camera, can't stop taping or who get into the artist personal space. We had them all and she did not need security, she tore them a new butt, again with New York humor. In ,I hope, an unusual situation we had some folks at each other about standing, dancing and singing. I don't know why you would come to a Cindy Lauper concert if you wanted to sit pensive in your seat, however, we had a few. When she saw the altercation, she stopped the show, walked down to the folks involved, separated them, told the young folks who were dancing to please join the folks to the right and told the two guys to please stow it and I quote, “ We are here to have fun, celebrate times in our lives and have a sense of community.” It worked ,she got a standing ovation and back she went to the show, “He's So Unusual.” sort of described the situation.

The night had some very special moments when Eric Bazalian joined the group to a rousing ovation for “Time After Time,” “Yeah Yeah,” and “ True Colors.” His exuberance accompanied by a infectious smile captured the fans and he blew us away on the sax, guitar and his signature melodica. We also were treated to a full night of Bob Hyman (Hooters) on guitar along with Bette Sussman on keyboards, William Whitman on bass, Scooter Warer on drums and Keith Mak on guitar. A fine band who Cindy conducted like a symphony orchestra while dancing strutting, jumping and

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