
Circulation, Disability, Exposure (ABCDE) Approach

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The primary assessment of this patient is the Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure (ABCDE) approach. According to the ABCDE approach, it is crucial to check the airway first to see if the airway is patent. Then, check the patient’s breathing. Determining the respiratory rate, inspecting movement of the chest wall, measuring pulse oximeter and using the stethoscope to auscultate the lung sounds are the possible way to check if the breathing of the patient is sufficient (Thim et al., 2012). Next, check the circulation. Skin changes, such as check the colour and sweating, relate to the circulatory problems. Also, heart auscultation, blood pressure measuring and electrocardiography monitoring should be involved in this procedure (Thim et al., 2012). When measure the blood pressure, using the AVPU score (A for ‘alert’, V for ‘reacting to vocal stimuli’, P for ‘reacting to pain’, U for ‘unconscious’) to assess the consciousness, which is for the disability part. Moreover, …show more content…

Mr. Simons had history of myocardial infarction and atrial fibrillation. Moreover, he complains of chest pain radiating down his left arm during night, and his pain score is 6 out of 10. The vital signs at 6:30 show blood pressure is 130/80 and pulse is irregular. Ask patient to describe more about the chest pain—the duration, frequency characteristics and way to relief pain used before. () The causes of the chest pain are varied because of the complex system of the body (Skinner, 2010). It is crucial to clarify the symptoms of the chest pain to relate with disease. Plus, ask the patent if he has other cardiovascular diseases and peripheral disease or family members who have. () The reason causes the cardiac disease including heredity. Therefore, understanding the past clinical history and family history of the patient can give clues to

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