
Civil Lawsuit Paper

Decent Essays

When it comes to a lawsuit which can include civil lawsuits, there is more than one party that is being sued. When a person files for a civil lawsuit the police department, policy makers, and at times the police officer is being sued for any unlawful actions that were against that person or person’s property. This can cause a problem for the department and all parties that are involved with the training of the police officer. As a police officer, you can be sued when in uniform or when you are in civilian clothes depending on the words that the person says. This will be discussed further into the paper. What can be concluded from the lawsuit is, was the police officer properly trained?
Properly Trained Officers
The question’s that is on everyone’s mind when a lawsuit happens is was the police officer unlawful, was the techniques that the officer used within regulation, and finally was the officer properly trained? As we have seen on the television, in the news, and on citizen’s social media is officers being recorded when they are trying to restrain …show more content…

It is better for the department to constantly make training available when new policy has been in place. As well as, annually checking personal files to ensure that the training was completed. The best way that the department can ensure the successfulness of a trained officer is to have a lawyer teach them about liability lawsuits. Its best to have a lawyer teach the officers because they have been to court, the lawyers knows what is expected, and can show the officers the prevention of civil liabilities’ (Spencer, 2007). This can include ensuring that the policy makers update their protocol and training programs when it affects the department or surrounding departments. This can ensure that future civil and criminal lawsuits are not an

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