
Civil Rights Importance

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The Importance Of The Activists In the Civil Rights Movement
In the early and mid-years of the 1990's discrimination and segregation was a huge problem in the United States. To stop the segregating and discriminating people with colored skin came together to try to put an end to it. This was soon called the Civil Rights Movement. The Civil Rights Movement was a popular movement to help African Americans gain their equal access to things and opportunities for the basic privileges and rights of being a U.S citizen. The history that the activists in the Civil Right Movement made has a huge impact to our lives today because it changed our lifestyle to be better by stopping segregation and huge discrimination towards certain races specifically colored people.
Civil right activists believed in nonviolence meaning they used no type of brutality to fight for their equal rights. The Montgomery Bus Boycott was an important event that happened during the Civil Right Movement. Since they believed in no type of violence this boycott contained no violence. This boycott was a protest campaign against the racial segregation law in public transportation's. The law was directed towards colored people when they're riding the Montgomery bus. When they’re riding the bus and all the seats gets full they’ll have to give up their seats to white people even if the white person gets there after them. On December 1, 1955 an African American named Rosa Parks, refused to give up her bus
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