
Civil Rights Movement In The 1960's

Decent Essays

The Civil Rights Movement The United States of America’s history is cruel. The amount of suffering caused by white supremacy is barbaric. Those of African descent endured and still endure many injustices because of ignorance and racial discrimination. The majority of individuals think of the 1950’s and 1960’s as the era of the Civil Rights Movement. Although, they are correct in stating that is when the majority of the protest started, the Civil Rights Movement began way before that. The formation of organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), which was created in 1909, were the start to the change in America’s society.
Leading up to the Civil Rights Movement many essential events occurred. In 1868 the 14th amendment, which requires “equal protection under the law to all persons”, was ratified. This freed all former slaves. Although this was a huge step towards equality racial discrimination was still strongly implemented everyday. Economic conflict arose when white landowners had no choice but to free the slave and had no labor force; this lead to the sharecropping system. This system was basically slavery all over again where African American families would rent a piece of land, grow crops and pay the landowner. The debt …show more content…

Again, this is a huge step in the legal system, however, this did not stop whites from harassing on black on a daily basis. When it came to voting many caucasians stood outside the voting centers and prevented African Americans from entering. Blacks were still being lynched and tormented. In 1896, the Supreme Court passed the “separate but equal segregation” law. This clearly demonstrates the stigma against blacks and in 1925 the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) marches in Washington D.C. as its first national demonstration of hatred towards African Americans. Groups such as the KKK made black’s lives extremely

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