
Classification Of Information For The Healthcare System

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Overview of coding Coding consists of ICD-9-CM, ICD-10-CM, CPT and HCPCS codes. The codes help classify and document the information for the healthcare system in the United States. The ICD-9-CM stands for the International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modifications. October 1st 2014 ICD-10-CM came out to update the class with more illnesses, conditions, and injuries of any patient that used the medical services. The ICD-9-CM is generally classified as numerical and alphanumerical codes with codes describing the illness and injuries. The CPT which is Current Procedural Terminology and the HCPCS which is the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System are used in various medical settings. The CPT is published by the AMA yearly. CPT …show more content…

The CPT code book has nine different conventions including with symbols in the book. The semicolon identify the main entry what is it part of all indented entries that follow with their code. The bullets and triangles identify as the changes that were made and the current code. The facing triangle symbol is used to identify the beginning and ending of a new or revised text within the guidelines and instruction notes. Plus symbols are you when a procedure is carried out with another procedure. Circled bullet symbols indicate moderate sedation is inherits part of the procedure. The null symbol indicates codes that may not be appended with modifier 51. The pending symbol indicates for a vaccine that is pending approval from the FDA. The resequenced symbol do not appear in numeric sequence the reinstated code applies to codes that have been recycled. Some of the general rules for CPT coding are analyze the note or procedural statement, determine the procedure, locate the main term in the index, review and select the sub terms, note the code numbers if found opposite of the selected terms, if applicable follow cross-reference never code directly from the index, read all the notes that apply to the code, select the appropriate modifier, continue coding all components of the procedure or services. Modifiers Modifiers may be reported with a CPT code to identify a particular service or

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