On a separate day, this observer examined the school age classroom at the child development center; the class had mixed age groups and consisted of children age’s five to twelve. Children began to arrive from their elementary schools at 2:30. The teacher sat down at one of the tables and instructed the students to get started on his/her homework from school, or to quietly read a book. At the time, there were only five children in the classroom. The teacher prepped afternoon activities while the children worked on homework assignments and chatted with their peers. The second bus arrived at 2:40 and more students flooded the classroom. Some of the students immediately began working on their assignments and others hovered around the teacher. The
1. Context/ Introduction: For my third observation, on Monday October 17th, I returned back to the Kean University Child Care Center. Just like my second observation I came for my observation for the hour of 10:30-11:30 am. This time in the classroom there was four teacher aides and the teacher Ms. Kierah. When I walked into the classroom I was surprised when one of the teacher aides told me that Ethan has a lot of energy in class that day. She explained that Ethan had a lot of energy that his listening skills were a little off as well. Once she was done explaining this I was anxious to see this for myself. I saw Ethan was playing at the middle table with one other boy Steve. Quietly, I sat at the table to the right of the middle table and began my notes.
Ms. Penn’s Kindergarten class consisted of 9 boys and 7 girls. This was the last hour of the instructional day, and as I walked in I noticed that the students were already working in centers in groups of 3-4. This class was a little noisy and unorganized as compared to other kindergarten classrooms I have observed so far at Krahn elementary. The students seemed to be enjoying their time in centers and were eager to pack-up after cleaning up in the end since it was close to dismissal.
This week I did both an interview and a small observation of my third grade host teacher's classroom. I was first able to interview my host teacher. Miss A does use many of the techniques for teaching words that were listed on my observation form. Specifically she uses crossword puzzles, dramatizing, word sorts, possible sentences and dictionaries. She also uses many techniques that are not listed on the observation sheet as well. She does a lot of repetition with her students. She has them right there words in rainbow colors, in vowels and consonants colors, in alphabetical order and many more that I didn't see. Miss a believes that " they are all useful for different students. Some students feel like crosswords are helpful and others feel like pictures are helpful" () I would completely agree with her statement in this regard. I do think it's good to have many different options for the many different students you have in your class. Miss a believed that there were a lot of benefits to wide reading. She make sure that the children are provided with a variety of texts especially her students who are ELL students. She mention specifically that it "helps build their schema for Content areas such as social studies and science and the vocabulary that goes with that."()
On Thursday, November 3, 2016, at approximately 10:51AM, I, Officer Larry Thomas was dispatched to Hooper, right at the bus stop, in reference to two males fighting.
This classroom was very organized and it did have a lot of things labeled. I recognized that the teacher had a lot of things in her classroom labeled. She had words like door on the door in the classroom. She used a lot of bright colors. I also recognized that the teacher did a lot of one-on-one with her students. For example, she did very small group activities and a lot of the activities consist of one-on-one activities. She allowed the children to experiment with the project. She stated that she like to have children to participate in morning discussion. This time allows her to introduce the new letter of the week. She believes that children learn a lot of literacy through song and dancing. The children would sing the songs as they played in the classroom. Some of them would dance to music.
The classroom observed for this assignment was a 4/5 year old (pre-kindergarten/kindergarten) room in a local day care. After researching the correlation between play, development, and diversity, many realizations came to light. First, there are different stages of play and they all correlate with the developmental stages. Then, diversity is found in every classroom, either positively or negatively effecting the room. Educators who are flexible with change and comprehends the levels of development for children are expected to create a positive and effective learning environment filled with play-based activities. Below show three scenarios of classrooms from infants, toddlers, and preschool/kindergarten room.
I observed at a daycare called Children's house, I have observed here before and I know the teachers very well. I interviewed a teacher that was formally called Ms. A now called Ms. C who has been working there for 10 years. The Children's house is a private, suburban daycare with 20 children. The room that I observed in is a 3 to 5 year old room. Ms. C had a lot of 3 and 4 year olds. 7 of her children are 3 year olds, 11 are 4 and only 2 are 5 year olds. in her classroom she has 4 children with speech problems and 1 child with a development delay. She has an aid named Ms. M who works with her during the day. Ms. C tries to make their jobs equal, Ms. C teaches lessons and Ms. M teaches other lessons. While they are at center time they have one teacher work on a activity and the other teacher will drift around and insure that the children are behaving well and are out of harm's way.
In a good classroom, students should feel safe and comfortable. The classroom was staffed with Ms. Caitlin the kindergarten teacher and Mrs. Doherty the teacher's assistant. The class size consisted of twenty children. The classroom held five round tables with four students per table. Having tables rather than individual desks, Ms. Caitlin encouraged a sense of community rather than allowing a child to be alone at a desk. The furniture was at an appropriate level and size for 5 and 6-year-old children. Also, there was space for children to store their work and personal belongings in cubbies. The class had four different learning center stations these included: writing/reading center, block center, math center, and the kitchen center. Bulletin boards were displayed and decorated with colorful pictures which reinforced concepts learned in the classroom. For example, the alphabet, numbers and days of the week. Student work was also visible in the classroom. In the front of the classroom, a smartboard and rug was arranged for the students to gather for lessons and play. This area was kept free from all forms of distraction. In the back of the room, extra materials were available such as pencils, erasers, crayons, glue sticks, and scissors. Overall, I believe that Ms. Caitlin provided her students with a positive, cheerful, and organized learning environment. She instilled in her students that the classroom is a
The children I have observed were adolescents and were going through the beginning stages of puberty. I used my knowledge about concrete operations to observe the students rational thinking and logical thought. For example a student was given a task to do their assign class work without any socializing with his peers. The student who I was observing, noticed his peers were talking during the assignment. He took the decision upon himself to look around the classroom and began to socialize with his peers. This particular student made his decision by using his rational/ logical which was influenced by his peers. He knew the assignment involved not socialize with his peers but he saw the others were talking around him, he then began to do the same.
Interactions between groups of people at sports events, especially on college campuses, have a large presence and seem to bring groups of people together. A group in sociology can be defined as people who interact with one another and who believe that what they have in common is significant; also called a social group. The audience ranged from children to seniors, from diverse race and age, but all seemed to share multiple norms and behaviors throughout the game that were fascinating to observe. The subjects, though very diverse subgroups in the audience are being studied, held similar norms and behaviors that created a sense of community among the audience, especially when specific obvious behaviors were reciprocated
My first observation was completed by my school professor. Going into the lesson, I really was not sure what she would be looking for when observing me. I felt this was a good thing because not knowing, I just taught the way I usually do and as nervous as I was, overall I was pleased with my performance and evaluated effectiveness as a teacher.
I am currently on our school-wide data team that uses data to find trends within our school population. One trend that became readily apparent to our team this year was that our move-in students were underperforming and that there were large gaps in their data due to the late entry into our building. Therefore, I wanted to delve deeper into this idea of mobility and how it impacts test results. I specifically wanted to look at this across the three middle schools in my district, Gahanna Jefferson Public Schools, because the three districts differ in student populations. I was not surprised by the results but rather reaffirmed in my thinking. I first wanted to see if certain schools would have higher mobility rates than others so I did a comparison of three years to see the percentage of students who were in the
During the experiment of boys, I observed three men in the 20s who were talking about homework last weekend. During this experiment, A was on his computer talking about finances. B and C were locked into their computers without looking at A. The connection between the men seemed disengaged, as the DVD described. Most of what Deborah Tannan found is that the boys would sit at an angle. However, the participants had a couch, sitting besides each other. When they watch a movie, they would still talk and listen to each other, but would look at each other rarely at times. It lasted for a few minutes because they went to go eat together. In summary, they talked about sports and compared their teams over each other.
For one week, I observed my roommate doing his regular activities. In respect for my roommate, I will not use his real name, I will call him Tom in this essay. Tom is a Hispanic video gamer, he works part time helping his friends run a doggy day care. If he is not at work, he is at home playing video games all day long. He did attend community college in Portland, Oregon has very little education. Tom wants to obtain a degree, but he feels he is old and disable with back injuries. He is the age of 37. Tom is single and never married. As I talk a little more of my roommate, he loves his video games. It seems like gaming is his happiness.
It is really amazing how excited students get with the possiblity of using the computer in the classroom to assist them with their lesson. The teacher added that she uses it as a reward system, stating how affective it is in maintaining order and control in the classroom. Students knew how to navigate, go to various websites that were related to the lesson and create a folder in which to put their assignments in.