
Clean Air Act Of 1990 Essay

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Micah Franklin PPS300 Assignment 7 (Redo) To protect public health and welfare nationwide from different types of air pollution, The Clean Air Act of 1990 introduced a novel way; tradable permits. In other words, factories had to buy their rights to emit sulfur dioxide and also allowed factories to purchase and trade these permits, or even investing in new technology. Now with cooperation by the factories and regulations set by the Clean Air Act, factories emit a minimal amount of sulfur dioxide. One of the major breakthroughs in the 1990 Clean Air Act is a permit program for larger sources that release pollutants into the air. A source can be a power plant factory or anything that releases pollutants into the air. Cars, trucks, and other motor vehicles are also sources, but sources that stay in one place are called stationary sources. Under the new program, permits are issued by the states or by the EPA when the state fails to carry out the Clean Air Act satisfactorily. The 1990 Clean Air significantly improved the power and accountability of the federal government. For control of acid deposition (acid rain) and for the …show more content…

By the year 2020, the Amendments to the Clean Air Act passed in 1990 will have prevented 230,000 early deaths, and saved the country around 2 trillion dollars. This is compared to the costs of the amendments, which the EPA calculated to be approximately 65 billion dollars. The study does not just stop at the monetary benefits and costs, but it also even dives into the number of prevented emergency room visits, and lost work and school days. With all of this information, the EPA makes it very clear the countless benefits to the United States that the Clean Air Act Amendments are having and will have in the

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