
Cleaning Support Portfolio - Hotel Management

Satisfactory Essays

CLEANING SUPPORT TECHNIQUES Team 9.2.3 EHL's Honour Code: As a student at the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, I uphold and defend academic integrity, academic rigor and academic liberty as core values of higher learning. I attest, on my word of honor, that work submitted in my name is my own work, and that any ideas or materials used in support of this work which are not originally my own are cited and referenced accordingly BINGGELI Vanessa DANG Yung GOUVEA Priscila KRAMER Toby ORLANDO Giulia SCHNYDER Natapong ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Table of Contents PART ONE - CLASS WORK Stewarding: …show more content…

Number of yearly labour hours in the laundry 6 persons X 8.5 hours/day X 230 days= 11730 hours 2. Average hourly wage, all charges included 5 X 4080 + 4320=24720 (combined salaries/month) 24720 X 12= 296640 (combined salaries/year) 299640/11730= 25.3 CHF/hour 3. 90% 4. Amortization and repair of the equipment: 10% of the machines and the linen stock 0.1 5. Yearly cost of detergents 6 CHF/L % of time really spent on: sorting, washing, etc..... 80L/day 80 X 365=29200 29200 X 6= 175200 CHF/year 6. Various costs (50% of the yearly detergent costs) 0.5 X 175200= 87600 CHF 7. Yearly replacement cost of linen (15 to 30% of the total purchase amount) 2500 CHF 8. Cost for repair on damaged linen 3300 CHF 9. Interest on investment (X% of the purchase value on equipment and stock of linen less 1 par) 6% 10. Number of yearly opening days x number of rooms x effective occupancy rate of rooms 4 365 days X 148 rooms X 0.9= 48618 Formula : (1 x 2 x 3) + (4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9) =

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