
Cleary Death Penalty

Decent Essays

Death to the Death Penalty Contrary to popular belief, the death penalty’s approval ratings have decreased throughout the years, as a study executed by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg explains how only three states administer the death penalty these days. Capital punishment has worked for a few years to scare those who desire to commit a federal crime, but because the usage continually diminishes (despite in a few states), why would the government keep the death penalty if it costs them millions per year? Cleary, the best option remains: to eliminate this form of punishment once and for all. Carlos Moreno, a Supreme Court justice in the state of California explains how the process of court proceeding and the time imprisoned and the method of …show more content…

States like New York and New Jersey repealed capital punishment after their citizens spent over $170 million on cases where no executions were made, according to a study done by Richard Dieter. The money could have been spent elsewhere, like making public education environments more comfortable or buying more supplies for public service jobs, like the police force and the firefighters.
Even Pope John Paul II believes that capital punishment must be eradicated from societies, as he stated how an end to the death penalty proves as an essential part of a culture of life. With his millions of followers, he gained support over the years to eliminate the form of punishment. Punishment which leads to the murder of a human being.
On the other hand, a copious amount of religions and people reckon that the death penalty proves as a just form of punishment. In Christianity, people died for crimes, like coming out as a homosexual, having sexual relations before marriage, and worshiping other gods. Considering these sins, which they did, and living by the saying, “An eye for an eye” drove them to believe that the sinners must be put to death. While these quotes have truth to them, murdering a human, even if one figures another deserves it, is never the answer to

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