
Climate Change In Northeast Regions

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“‘We know even relatively small amounts of sea level rise affect us,’ [Carl Spector, commissioner of Boston’s Environment Department] said. ‘All the models we’re seeing are concerning’” (Abel). Climate change, the warming and changing of the Earth’s atmosphere, has become a very prevalent issue over the past century. Despite having numerous sources in terms of hard evidence, many people still do not believe in the effects of climate change. Sea level rise is one effect of climate change that may change the minds of many because of its reality in today’s world. This issue is especially relevant in the Northeast because of several factors that further affect the sea level rise. In order to stop further effects on the Northeast, legislators must …show more content…

Besides the direct effect of sea level rise, coastal flooding may also be a more prevalent and severe issue. For example, “sea level rise of two feet, without any changes in storms, would more than triple the frequency of dangerous coastal flooding throughout most of the Northeast” (Horton 374). The higher seas would increase the initial level, so that the flooding level would be much greater, especially during hurricanes. Recent hurricanes have become a good example of how much damage can occur to both humans and animals. For example, much of the coastal infrastructure is in danger of damage, which can affect commerce and the public’s health and safety: “In New York State, two feet of sea level rise is estimated...To flood or render unusable 212 miles of road, 77 miles of rail, 3,647 acres of airport facilities, and 539 acres of runways” (Horton 379). This loss of infrastructure may occur in every coastal Northeast state, especially in the south. In these southern Northeast states, the land is flat, which makes them easier to inundate with water. In addition to infrastructure, transportation is also at risk, with much of the major highways (I-95) and trains (Amtrak) at risk of coastal damage (Horton 380). More affected by sea level rise, ecosystems near water may be permanently damaged in upcoming years, and according to Rob Deconto, a climate scientist at University of …show more content…

In order to do so, people must greatly cut back greenhouse emissions and must develop other types of energy, so that the atmosphere no longer constantly has additional carbon dioxide. Although these actions may slow the process, it likely cannot be stopped or reversed. In the Northeast, eleven of the twelve states “have developed adaption plans for several sectors and 10 have released, or plan to release, statewide adaptation plans” (Horton 382). In doing so, the states can effectively communicate information about the reduction of carbon. Many believe that laws must be added in order to truly make sure that emissions are cut down. According to Senator Edward J. Markey, “‘We need to put in place the laws and policies that dramatically cut carbon pollution and help communities respond to this growing threat’” (Rocheleau). In recent years there have been many global meetings, such as the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, in order to discuss what to fix and how to enforce new laws. The past several meetings have gathered much momentum, and a goal is set for wealthy countries to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 95%. Although this process cannot be reversed, the globe can take several actions to slow global

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