
Clinical Testing On Children

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Children are delicate flowers, they will never blossom to their full potential if poked and prodded. Children are not lab rats, testing on children is equivalent to caging a wild animal. Groups such as the SPCA and PETA dedicate their time to protecting animals while parents allow their children to replace the animals in testing clinics. Clinical testing on children is unethical and there needs to be a stop to further testing. Parents make the decision to put their children into these clinical trials without the child’s say and the drugs react differently in children's undeveloped bodies and can cause excruciating pain. Over 1000 clinical trials occur annually at the Texas Children's Hospital in Houston (Research). The line needs to be drawn …show more content…

According to doctors and parents alike, children are unable to make rational decisions about their medical health. Children, whether they understand the trial or not, by law “are not considered competent to give consent to medical treatment, let alone to consent to participation in medical research” (Stacey L Berg). Medical decisions are left out of the hands of the ones being tested. Doctors and parents unethically take control of the lives of children. In the past few decades, there have not been any ethical problems regarding adult clinical trials. Adults have a say over their own body and volunteer for the trials, however children are being volunteered by their parents. “Instead, researchers, parents, and regulators must determine whether the risk-benefit ratio is acceptable in order to permit the research to go forward,” without letting the child decide their own fate (Naomi Laventhal). Doctors and parents have a duty to protect the future generation from harm, this includes clinical testing on minors. In fact, children who are going to die of a terminal illness should not have further testing and pain. In the case of healthy children, testing still should cease to exist. Children need a childhood and medical testing is only going to cause more damage in the long run. “Furthermore, for studies in which the anticipated benefit is thought to outweigh the risk – such as clinical trials of cancer chemotherapy, the parents may claim the right to override the child’s dissent” and that is taking a child’s decision away on what they want to do with their lives (Laventhal). Children should not become lab rats just because their parents cannot live with the fact that their child may die. The only thing worse than dying is not living the last few months of

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