
Cloning In Frankenstein

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Furthermore, the fact that Victor learns how to bestow animation upon life less matter by discovering the “cause of generation and life” (38)is similar to Galvani’s frogs experiment in a way that when electricity is conducted to flesh, the flesh “moves” and appear to be alive. Also, Victor works incessantly in Vaults, charnel houses, slaughter houses and dissecting rooms, combining corpses to create new creature (41). Aldini is known for his demonstrations with regard to corpses, and it is obvious that Merry Shelley has been influenced by it.
After finding all the connections between the novel and science in general, cloning in modern science appears to be the same as electricity in 18th century. The experiments on cells and gene are especially …show more content…

Scientists are eager to explore the formation of life, and if possible, create life. Like people in 18th century, people nowadays have limited understanding regarding Cloning and Cloning indeed seems to be a mysterious science. Nevertheless, lots of scientists assert that Cloning will change the world and has unlimited benefits. Under this circumstance, Cloning gains momentum and harbors a greater and greater influence on society. From a variety of aspects, Cloning shares a myriad of common factors with Frankenstein, including similarities between Frankenstein and science in general that are discussed already. Therefore, as what Victor warned us, we should take all kinds of future consequences into consideration before the global implementation of cloning, in order to shun the miserable outcomes Victor suffered.
In fact, the very first experiment related to Cloning happened in 18th century, too, when scientist Hans Adolf Edward Dreisch an artificial embryo twinning of Sea urchin. In the experiment, Dreisch did nothing more than swinging the two-celled sea urchin embryo, and it splits into two complete cells which have full capability of growing into a complete organism. After that, scientists in 19th century, …show more content…

To illustrate, the purpose of clone is to create the exact “copy” of the creature. That means the new creature will almost has no difference from the original creature. In this case, we brush up against same questions as what we bump up against in Frankenstein. how can one decide if all of our laws and moral standards apply to the new creatures or not? Should we treat human clones like human beings, or should we simply use them as “tools” or even “test subjects”? Do clones have dignity and virtue that we human being are naturally born with? Are those duplicable, too? What if the cloned creatures lose control and start killing just like the creature in Frankenstein? These questions all need to be taken into

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