The term co-dependency was originally used to describe the behaviour of spouses or partners of people who suffer from alcohol or drug abuse problems. Now it is a term used to describe any person that is raised within a dysfunctional family unit who has become dependent on a source outside of their family to boost their
A dysfunctional family is one that exists in conflict, bad behavior, and child neglect or abuse. The conflict started when Dee supposedly burned down the house. Another conflict when Dee changed her name to Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo. The third and final conflict were that Dee wanted quilts that mama and Big Dee made from some tops her grandma pieced before she died. The author explores a dysfunctional family by the conflicts in the story.
Thinking about these essentials, the character Count Olaf from A Series of Unfortunate Events came to mind. In the book, three orphan siblings are forced by Count Olaf to work in his house, but later tries (and fails) to get their parents' wealth in different ways. His actions keep the children from having normal, happy lives because he was using them for his own selfish
According to Texas Woman 's University, family dysfunction is any circumstance that affects the normal functioning of a family. It continues to explain how dysfunctional families tend to hold on to a crisis and make its effect long-term (1). However, normal and healthy families tend to deal with the crisis as it happens, minimizing its effect on everyone and making it less damaging. Dysfunctional families can be affected by trauma or poor parenting skills (World of Psychology). One of the types of a dysfunctional family includes, that which is headed by an authoritarian figure (Disinherited). According to Kendra Cherry, an authoritarian parent usually has high expectations and demands but low responses to a child’s needs. She claims that authoritarian parents tend to impose rules without exposing the reason behind them and do not provide children with choices or options to express what they seek or declare their
For example, Lorraine's mother always tells her “you’re not a pretty girl Lorraine.”, she also always calls Lorraine fat and ugly. Lorraine’s mother does not set a good example for Lorraine because she bullies her. Another example is John’s father likes to lie which rubbed off on John, one time John’s father went around bragging how he phonied up a car insurance claim to get a hundred dollars to replace a piece of aluminum on their new car, which he had really replaced himself. John’s father taught John that lying was not bad without even knowing. John’s family also had other issues because John’s father was an alcoholic and did not care if John drank beer. John was not old enough to drink beer but his father did not care because he was an alcoholic. Both families show that they have bad family values because they are mean and
According to Texas Woman's University, family dysfunction is any circumstance that affects the normal functioning of a family. It continues to explain how dysfunctional families tend to hold on to a crisis and make its effect long-term (1). However, normal
In reference to the term of alcohol and drugs used in the AA meeting. The term of alcohol was used throughout the one-hour meeting, the common themes of its effect; strain on their families and extended families, loss business, not allowed to see their kids. Only one member out of the 50 members spoke on how drugs and alcohol affected his lively hood (BEDI, personal communication, July 10, 2016). How the drugs and alcohol affected his exterior family, and loss close relationship. He empties his soul in front of his member, explaining he lost his company, that he spends 100,000 dollars’ on cocaine instead of paying his bills. When he could not get his drugs, he would turn to alcohol and drinking until he blacks out. The consequence of doing drugs and alcohol has affected his health. Thereby, turning his life upside down, as a result, his parents/friends want nothing to do with him, he is on probation for 5 years, mandated to AA and his family and friends has obtained restraining orders. The most traumatizing emotional roller-coaster, he is homeless (BEDI, personal communication, July 10, 2016).
It comes down to focusing on what is the cause of the problem and what needs to be done to resolve it. Some assumptions that are related to this theory can include families normally related to one another in “patterned ways that are observable and predictable” (Linblad-Goldberg & Northey, 2013), most families have rules that each must follow and roles they are to play in the family unit, when they get off balance then dysfunction can and normally does occur. It is important that families have boundaries which include both inside and outside of the family. Families also have subsystems which can be based on either generation or genders.
No one is born a parent; no one really is a perfect parent. Dibs: In Search of Self is a perfect example of this as both parents had no idea how to raise a child in a loving, compassionate home. Dibs’ mother stated from the get go that the boy seemed to have it out for her and he was responsible for ruining her and her marriage. The father was completely wrapped up in his work and studies and made sure he’d made no time for his children. Additionally, his children had been instructed to stay out of his room while he was home. Once Dibs’ sister is born, he is again pushed further away as their mother spoils the little girl. Eventually, however even the sister is sent away to a boarding school.
“A maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by one (or more) of the following, occurring
abusive and unstable. An example of this instability was a day when my siblings and I were told
may become unable or unwilling to adequately care for their children . Children often times experience a loss of parental availability and as a result, feel lonely and Isolated. More often
the child who become dependent and crying by the parent rejection only to keep proximity and
For as long as human families have existed, the core family group of a father, mother, and the children has been the ideal composition in what could be considered a balanced and fulfilling functional family. There had been many studies of the effects of having certain members of these groups on the family household present and absent. While there are many hypothesis of the effects of the children in the family in household with a missing parent, most of them are indeed negative and there had been studies that these can vary in many different aspects of a child’s upbringing. These effects will be discussed and functionality of the household family itself will be discussed to look at the issues
In today’s world, families are dynamic and interdependent systems. The developmental processes of the children in the family are deeply affected by how the family system operates. However, a family’s structure does not determine whether it is a healthy family system or not. Today, families consist of single parents, stepparents, divorced parents, remarried parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. They are all able to contribute to a healthy functioning family system by meeting each family member’s needs and encouraging positive communication (Jamiolkowski, 2008). Unhealthy family systems have negative and possibly
Having both parents within the family constellation is a benefit to a child, but difficulties can arise if rolls are missed or impaired. If the child is pampered, he or she is left incapable of taking care of him or herself, and ultimately fail to become independent thus adding to the deprivation of the family. This derives from a sense of entitlement where in the boy’s case, he grows to get married, and seek for this wife to take care of him the same way is mother did. The girl, who is typically pampered by the father, will expect to get everything from her husband.