
Co Teaching : An Illustration Of The Complexity Of Collaboration

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In the article Co-Teaching: An Illustration of the Complexity of Collaboration in Special Education, Collaborative teaching is “the sharing of instruction by a general education teacher and a special education teacher or another specialist in a general education class that includes students with disabilities (Friend, Cook, Hurley-Chamberlain & Shamberger, 2010).” Students learn from two or more people who may have different ways of thinking or teaching. Co-teachers distribute the responsibilities of planning, evaluation and instruction in their classroom. Co-teaching is effective in classrooms when teachers work together. There are studies that show that collaborative teaching helps student achievement greatly, but co-teaching isn’t always easy. It is often referred to as a professional marriage because partners have to trust each other, have constant communication, and work together to solve problems and challenges. Can co-teaching be effective in students’ learning?
Co-teaching has been adjusted throughout the years and it isn’t until now that many schools began heavily adopting the model in their classrooms. In the 1980’s, many schools accepted the principals of inclusive schooling. This meant that services for special education could be offered in general education classrooms and this began the revolution that is now known as co-teaching. It wasn’t until 2001 with No Child Left Behind Act, that all students, including those with disabilities, be taught by highly

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