
Co Teaching Essay

Decent Essays

When I first heard about co-teaching, I was observing at a middle school. I was able to sit in on multiple classes that were considered co-teach classes. Being able to do this really sparked my interest to learn more about co-teaching. Co-teaching is two or more teachers, the general education teacher and the special education teacher, collaborating together to make their lesson serve the needs of the general education students, as well as the special education students in the class. Although, not all strategies work for everyone, including co-teaching, studies have shown that students with high-incidence disabilities, actually worsened in a co-teaching class. No, it doesn’t necessarily meet the need for every student, but does for the majority of the students.
Co-teaching can benefit the students in many ways, it gives students with disabilities the opportunity to be in an …show more content…

In the trainings the teachers should learn how to properly and most effectively to communicate with one another, build a relationship as colleagues, etc. Through out the year the administrators need to continue to give the co-teachers the support and resources that the teachers need. Although, not all resource may be possible to get access to.
After doing research on the topic, I think that I may possibly consider co-teaching in my future. The only issues I think I would have to work on and prepare myself for before jumping in a co-teaching position, would be to become more open minded and not so stubborn. I always take in to consideration, suggestion and feedback that are giving to me. But my only problem is I seem to always have to be right. I have started working on being more open minded, by looking at things from different perspective so I can understand where others ideas and thoughts come from. Two heads are always better than

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