
Coal Seam Gas Exploration And Development

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Coal seam gas exploration and development is rapidly increasing within Australia (Woodman and Silver, 2013). This increase has sparked significant concern within the community about the potential environmental, social and economic impacts that could result, which could possibly put a standstill to CSG mining, costing the state millions of dollars in revenue (Jaques and Galloway, 2012).


Coal seam gas or CSG is a naturally occurring found in coal seam deposits. Australia has a large amount of CSG mainly found in large coal basins in Queensland and New South Wales. In the last few years there has been a major spike in the amount of gas exploration licenses and mining grants, this is predominantly due to the need to …show more content…

All application for CSG mining approvals must be approved by the state, within New South Wales this is the responsibility of the department of primary industries (Camden Council, 2013). Once the approval stage is complete CSG companies are operations and construction are regulated through such legislation Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 and such key bodies including the Environment Protection Authority, the Department of Planning and Environment and the NSW Office of Water (Cotton Australia, 2012).
Despite the governments and industries best efforts to respond to this increase with legislation and codes of best practice to minimise technical failures and to protect the environment and communities there is however, no current national leading legislation to regulate the industry activities or practices (SCER 2013).


State Government’s minister for mining wants to find away to achieve the best economic growth, whilst addressing greenhouse gas emission and maintaining the industry’s viability. The state government recognizes how important CSG mining is to the future of the state’s energy supply, with more than 1.1 million customers in New South Wales depending on gas to supply their homes with energy (Department of Industry, Resources & Energy, n.d). However, New South Wales current operation in Camden only supplies the state with 5% of its energy requirements (Department of Industry, Resources &

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