
Cockroaches In Lord Of The Flies Study Guide

Decent Essays

1. Cockroaches – cockroaches can live without their head but only for a few days. They can go without food longer than they can go without water. Cockroaches have 6 legs and 18 knees and are said to be one of fastest moving insects. A female cockroach mates only once, but remains pregnant for the rest of her life.

2. Fleas – fleas don’t have wings. They travel from host to host by jumping. It is said that a flea can jump approximately 120 times its height. Did you know that female fleas are larger than the males?

3. Mosquitos – Did you know that male mosquitos don’t actually bite but it is the female mosquito who feeds on your blood? Did you know that mosquitoes are said to be attracted to the color blue.

4. Crickets – Only male crickets …show more content…

Housefly – The common housefly is considered one of the most dangerous insect. They carry and transmit diseases. Think about where you find them when they aren’t annoying you. Flies can’t ingest solid food. In fact they regurgitate their food to liquefy it so they can eat it. I really know why I hate a fly now.

7. Ants – Did you know that ant’s don’t sleep? Ants are super strong and it is estimated that they can lift 20 times their own body weight. Without a queen ant, the entire colony will die. Why? Because no new worker ants are born to serve the colony. Ants can’t chew their food. Instead they move their jaw from side to side to extract juice from their food.

8. Wasps and Bees – Approximately 100 or more deaths each year are contributed to wasp and bee stings.

9. Termites – In almost all cases termite workers and soldiers are blind. Termite soldiers warn the colony of threats by tapping out warning signals against available surfaces.

10. Spiders – No one spider web is identical. Each is a custom design and some say are a thing of beauty. Most of us of courses prefer to simply get rid of the web and the occupant. Did you know that spiders are actually beneficial? They catch and eat other pests. Not all spiders are poisonous. And some spiders are actually musicians. No seriously, they pluck there webs strands to attract

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