
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Vs Cognitive Therapy

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Psychological disorders and methods to treat them are an issue of hot debate in modern society, especially when the individuals are minors. The two eminent schools of thought on treatment of these disorders are: therapeutic options, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, aimed at resolving the psychological disorders themselves, and medical options aimed at curing medical illnesses within the patient. Amidst the host of psychological disorders frequently diagnosed in children is Attention Deficit Disorder, also known as ADD. The range of opinions regarding this issue include: concerned parents, who want their child to be happy and healthy; hardworking educators, who want a productive class with attentive students; potential employers, who …show more content…

Such strategies can be formulated through analysis conducted by the therapist, or selected from a list of previously successful strategies. In either case, the individual receiving treatment is offered the final option. Success achieved through these strategies is doubly rewarding due to the nature of such success originating from self-sustained alterations in the human psyche. Success is owned by the individual, and therefore cannot be forcibly removed. For example, a patient named Uns Elf, who suffered from depression among other disorders, continually located the positive factor in situations where one would feel simply abysmal and downtrodden. This strategy of optimistic opportunism practiced repeatedly in an environment where melancholy and schadenfreude abound. Over a period of several months this individual became adept at this strategy and positive factors were continuously easier to find, until he learned to spot such factors without concentrated effort. This skill continued to come in handy long after the patient’s environment changed settings from treatment to open …show more content…

This is made possible by forceful alterations conducted by these chemicals once they are introduced into the blood-brain barrier. Alterations affected in such manner do offer a much needed change in behavior at the expense of one’s natural ability to change moods in response to one’s surroundings. For example, my nephew, who is diagnosed as; and medicated for Attention Deficit Disorder, performs moderately well in school, but fails to react emotionally during sports and play around half the time such occasions occur. Once such transitions do occur, the shift is one from nonchalance, or slightly robotic in nature, to a level of extreme excitement as his interest intensifies. This fluctuation in passion is also affected by the scheduled timing in which medication is ingested by, activated in, and elapses from the boy’s system. This situation is more complicated than what many parents and educators would prefer, but the child is relatively unaware as he is subject to the continuous chemical change. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy offers such an individual the freedom to direct his own behavior once he learns, and practices techniques to direct his interest, and impulses. Mr. Elf learned to direct his attention on what mattered most to him through rigorous, and repetitive application of affirmations; self-reinforcement; and unwavering dedication despite numerous

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